The Irish Setter Club of America Foundation exists through the generosity of friends of the Irish Setter. We provide opportunities for people to honor and support our breed. During the year we engage in activities and fundraising efforts to encourage people to join us in maintaining and developing programs which will further our mission.
These are some of the activities which help us reach our goals.
We welcome donations and bequests of any amount designated for health, rescue and general funds for such things as scholarships, publications and educational conferences. All donations are income tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law under our 501(c)(3) designation.
Donations are acknowledged in the ISCA Memo and in person to the donor and the honoree.
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Each year the foundation conducts a Top 20 event in recognition of Irish Setters with outstanding show records the previous year (see the Top 20 page for more information).
A silent auction is held annually during our national specialty and includes unique and artistic Irish Setter collectibles and memorabilia.
Every year we publish a calendar which is sold through the Foundation, featuring photos and information about the Foundation and ISCA. Go to the Calendar page for information on how to send photos for competition in the calendar and ordering information.
Educational Videos
ISCA National Breeders Seminar 2018
Jerold Bell DVM
This seminar gives Irish Setter breeders and owners the tools to understand both their pedigrees and the genetic test; as well as results and how they should be used in a sound breeding program.
The first part follows the Ins and Outs of Pedigree Analysis, Genetic Diversity, and Genetic Disease Control article (, but is based on Irish Setter pedigrees.
The second part discusses the genetic disorders affecting the Irish Setter, with updates from Dr. Bell’s conversations with any pertinent researchers. The talk covers the different types of genetic tests, their availability, and their proper use. It includes breeding recommendations to manage different types of genetic disorders.
ISCA National Breeders Seminar 2017
Fitting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together: Anatomy, Structure & Movement
Sam Houston McDonald – ISCA Judge’s Education Chair
Anne Marie Kubacz – ISCA Health / Breeder Education Chair
Have you ever heard someone use the words “return of upper arm”, “withers” or “bend of stifle? Have you heard the phrase “they should move as they stand?” Has it been a puzzle to you, exactly what these phrases mean, and exactly where those body parts are? By focusing on a review of anatomy, structure and movement as described in the Irish Setter standard, this seminar will help answer some of the questions people have when studying and interpreting the Irish Setter standard.
The Irish Setter standard says: “The correct specimen always exhibits balance, whether standing or in motion. Each part flows and fits smoothly into its neighboring parts without calling attention to itself.”
This DVD will help you understand.
ISCA National Health Seminar 2014
Ronald D. Schultz, PhD, Professor and Chair of the Department of Pathobiological
Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison
This 2-hour DVD will help you understand:
- Everything You Need to Know About Canine Core and Non Core Vaccines and Vaccination Programs
- Everything You Should Know About Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (Kennel Cough) and Canine Influenza
- What Non Core Vaccines Does My Dog Really Need and How Often
- What a Nomograph is and How it Can Help Determine When to Give Vaccines to your Litter of Puppies
- How to Use and Interpret Antibody Tests to Vaccinate Your Puppies and to Revaccinate your Adult Dogs
- Question and answer period from the 2014 Irish Setter Foundation Health Symposium
ISCA National Health Symposium 2012
Thyroid Disorders–The Latest
W. Jean Dodds DVM
This 2-hour DVD will help you understand:
- What is hypothyroidism
- What is autoimmune thyroiditis
- What blood tests should be run to screen for thyroid dysfunction
- How low thyroid function can affect a dog
- Clinical Signs of Thyroid Dysfunction
- Top 10 Clarifications about Canine Hypothyroidism
- How and when should thyroid medicine be given
- When and how should a dog be retested to make sure they are on correct dose of thyroid medicine
- To breed or not to breed a dog with thyroid issues
- Question and answer period from the 2012 Irish Setter Foundation Health Symposium
Video Costs – including shipping:
Bell Seminar – $15
Puzzle Seminar – $15
Schultz Seminar – $15
Dodd Seminar – $15
Three or More Seminars – $10 each
To Order Contact: Sarah Shuman